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Let’s face it! We’re all a little nosey and have wondered at some point... What goes on behind closed doors? It’s the age-old question that’s led to countless tales, theories, assumptions and especially when it comes to sex and relationships.

Sex, the ultimate behind-closed-doors activity, has long been shrouded in mystery and fascination. It was once the stuff of whispered conversations, secret glances, and clandestine rendezvous. But why the secrecy? Well, it’s precisely that veil of privacy that has made it such a tantalising subject for artists throughout history. Damien Hirst once said, ‘All great art is about Sex or Death!’

Think about it. From the sultry strokes of Klimt’s “The Kiss” to the provocative poses of Mapplethorpe’s work, the allure of human intimacy has fueled some of the most iconic pieces of art throughout history. There’s something inherently captivating about capturing those fleeting moments of vulnerability and passion, frozen in time for all to see.


Well, here’s my take on the subject. ‘Behind Closed Doors/Anonymous Lovers.’ Which was the original title. I wanted to take the concept of intimacy and sex and flip it on its head, presenting it outwardly to the world through a lens of abstraction. To explore the depths of human connection, to delve into the complexities of desire and vulnerability. Each photograph is a dance of light and shadow, curves and angles, all weaving together to create a visual narrative of love, lust, and everything in between.

What do you think of the straight-out-of-the-camera tests?


This is a project that’s been living in my head for 10 years or more but, one that I’ve only recently got the chance to test out. And that is solely down to two wonderful friends, who I told the idea to, and who trusted me to represent their relationship and intimacy respectfully, and beautifully and to keep their anonymity.

I couldn’t be happier with how they turned out. A couple, entwined in each other’s arms, lost in a world of their own making. Their bodies speak a language all their own, a language of love, of touch, of longing, of ecstasy. Through the lens, we become voyeurs, peering into some of the intimate moments that define us all as human beings.


I’m going to explore the idea further and, with the help of these test shots, I’ve got a new couple lined up to shoot another series of images for the project. So watch this space!

Hopefully, they're ready to create another series of images that are moody, dark, and brimming with intimacy, like the ones above. A new glimpse into the private world of a couple as they share moments of raw, unfiltered connection. And, I’ll be on the lookout for more. So, if anyone is reading this and is interested in taking part in the project then please get in touch.

Anyway, I’d love to hear what you think of the images and next time you find yourself wondering what mysteries lie beyond that closed door, remember this: behind every closed door, there’s a story waiting to be told, a moment waiting to be captured, and an intimacy waiting to be explored. And isn’t that what makes life truly beautiful?

Until next time…


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